I do believe in miracles! and I give you credit for performing one. I came to you a year and a half ago with a very sensitive, swollen, tender, red arm. The trouble was due to a mastectomy followed by infection and swelling in the arm.
Thanks to you, with healing massage each week and the lymphatic oils, my arm is almost normal. It does not hurt as it did and I’ve had no recurring infection for over six months.
What a pleasure to be able to buy clothes without needing alterations on the sleeve—and to be able to use my arm as anyone would be able to do. The strength in the arm is slowly returning and I forget I did have such trouble even raising the arm before coming to you.
Thank you many times over for your patience, encouragement and wonderful healing massage.
With a grateful heart,
B. W.
I came to Paul a little over a year ago with a lot of complaints—fatigue, depression, decreased libido, back pain and irregular periods. After listening to my symptoms and examining me, he recommended some herbal preparations and instructions for me to follow. Paul also gave me the most incredible full body massage, which helped to relax my knotted muscles and my mind. I followed up with Paul for several months so that he could monitor my progress with the herb formulas and keep my body tension-free through massage so that I could exercise without pain. It was AMAZING! After only four months, I had more energy, almost no PMS, a more regular monthly cycle and no back pain.
Only eight weeks ago I consulted Paul on the subject of infertility because my husband and I were having no success conceiving after TRYING for a year. I had been on a formula for this for a few months, but still something was missing. After some wonderful advice from Paul about relaxing and letting God take control my husband and I were blessed. We are expecting our second child in June, 1992.
For any woman who may read this and need some encouragement about using Paul’s methods of treatment for the whole person, whether it be for infertility, PMS, or the common cold, please take the time and really listen to him, because I feel that through him, God is speaking to you.
In response to a Questionnaire on her Herbal Health Program from Paul Olko, R. B. notes that after 3 months of doing nearly everything that Paul recommended, her primary complaint was helped. She reports that she had been helped 100% and was pregnant. In addition to the herbs and diet, she noted use of supplements, body therapy, exercise, nutritional advice, and yoga, writing “all work together to make the body whole.” The questionnaire was undated.
For a number of years, dating back as early as 1982, I have had the pleasure of experiencing the proficiency of Paul Olko’s Chinese Herbal Care.
I have had continued success over the years with the many Chinese herbal formulas that Paul has prescribed for me, as well as for my daughter.
It is my firm conviction that the expertise and knowledge of Paul Olko in providing me with very thorough consultations, diagnoses and prescribed Chinese formulas, have been the reasons why I have experienced such success. Paul also provided a comfort that enabled me to participate in a healing process of this nature.
He has treated me for problems, from minor ones such as colds, influenza, ear and eye infections, to more complex formulas for uterus strengthening, hormonal balancing and postpartum depression.
Considering Paul operates a very high volume practice, he has always provided me with extreme quality care.
I consider myself very fortunate to have the availability of a Chinese herbalist of Paul Olko’s caliber.
—N. R.
For more than two years Paul Olko has provided Chinese Herbal Care for me and my son and daughter.
Paul obviously loves his work with herbs. His belief in their effectiveness is contagious. When I would ask him about a health problem I was experiencing, his response was thorough and enthusiastic. Paul has always been sensitive to my information, impressions and experience. His prescriptions never failed to help and cure my problems.
Paul has given me herbs which shrank uterine fibroids, for flu, colds, digestive problems, weight loss, lack of energy, estrogen deficiency, ear and eye irritations. Paul has successfully treated my son for asthma and nervous disorders with herbs. He has assisted my daughter in recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
It has been an adventure for me to prepare teas from the original herbal mixtures Paul prescribes from his huge store of ingredients.
Paul is my first choice of help when I have a medical problem. He has given me faith that I can heal my body and often my mind and emotions with Chinese herbs in a safe, balance and altogether beneficial manner without negative side effects.
Being a teacher of hearing impaired adolescents, I am almost constantly exposed to a variety of “bugs” and reasons for exhaustion! However, during the past three years, I have been remarkably more healthy and productive; and I attribute this primarily to the excellent, weekly treatments given to me by Paul Olko.
Paul’s knowledge of Chinese herbology seems endless; but more importantly, his application is thorough, conscientious and very successful.
Paul has treated me for a wide variety of ailments, from stubborn skin infections to acute poison ivy; from painful dental problems to stiff necks; from PMS to sore joints. His preventative approach to the “flu” season has left many of my colleagues questioning their less successful shots and antibiotics. But the most critical and dramatic work that Paul has done with me has been the balancing of my Yin. A serious deficiency has been greatly decreased over the years; the tonifying teas, the diet ideas and even the Ya Ching Music for Health that Paul has prescribed for me have made a world of difference in my life!
I cannot thank him enough! Nor can I recommend anyone more highly than I do Paul Olko—a knowledgeable, caring and committed practitioner of Chinese herbology.
—L. J. B. M.
Thanks, Paul!
Good news: I’ve been completely off the Valeria for 6 nights as of last night, 10/07.
I’m sleeping better and feeling stronger, more myself. Yesterday afternoon I was also able to nap for 30 minutes and awake refreshed and nourished. Once again it feels like my consciousness can penetrate the surface of my body. Haven’t been able to for 2 months, 3 weeks.
Peace, B.R.
I thought I’d see you long before this, but since that hasn’t happened yet, I’m writing to express my deepest appreciation to you for the amazing work you did with me to diagnose and treat my kidney problems.
The first time I saw you I was in a semi-conscious state from a raging kidney infection. You prescribed Chinese herbal teas—those strange brews became my dear friends—a dietary regimen, and incredible massages. Over the next year or so, we dissolved several kidney stones. If this were the sole outcome of your ministrations, I would be grateful. But the real magic is in the metamorphosis I experienced, and which persists. My general health is much improved. I am clearer and more balanced. I lost 55 pounds. I feel younger. Thank you, thank you!
As you know, I’m also a patient of Dr. Vincent Speckhart, a homeopath. What you don’t know is that about four months ago he discovered that I have mercury poisoning from my amalgam fillings. The remedies he gave me to counteract the effects of the mercury immediately alleviated the residual and erratic discomfort I’ve felt remaining in my kidney area even after the stones were gone. I am now in the process of having all my fillings replaced. So far one quadrant (the “hottest,” according to tooth polarity readings) is completed and I can already feel the improvement. When this present “project” is complete I want to continue working with you to optimize my health in other areas.
One last note—it was obvious from the response at the time that your herb seminar here at the community was a big hit. Everyone enjoyed it tremendously and felt they walked away with very useful information. We really appreciated your coming out, Paul. Since then Dave’s been into other things and I’m not certain if he’s still planning to sell the Flying Dream Tea. However, the people we’ve given it to have loved it and reported interesting experiences.
All the best to you, Lisa, and the girls!
My knee felt great after the treatment. I took your advice and rested it. Later on in the week, I spoke to our doctor, the intuitive, and she gave me a regiment of things to do. Thanks for your help. I would love to come back for your back work! That was amazing.
Just wanted to let you know, thanks to you, that I beat my goal in New Hampshire on a cold, rainy day. Legs felt great!
Thank you,
My knee felt great after the treatment. I took your advice and rested it. Later on in the week, I spoke to our doctor, the intuitive, and she gave me a regiment of things to do. Thanks for your help. I would love to come back for your back work! That was amazing.
I have been seeing Paul Olko since March of 1992, and have seen him about 30 times during that period. Using Chinese herbs, Paul has treated me successfully for lower back pain, asthma, and bronchitis.
All of my treatments from Paul have been wonderful, but perhaps the most dramatic example of his effectiveness as an herbologist can be found in my recent experience with bronchitis. I suffered severe congestion of the lungs over a month-long period, during which time I was unable to connect with Paul due to travel and my tight schedule. I often found myself coughing so hard that I vomited. From standard medical doctors during that time I was given 2 courses of antibiotics and a course of steroids, all to no avail. I finally was able to have a visit with Paul, and within four days of taking his herbal remedies, my lungs were completely clear.
It is without hesitation and with the utmost enthusiasm that I recommend that Paul be fully certified as a Chinese herbalist.
I am writing to you not only as a satisfied patient, but also as a health insurance professional. I own and operate a health and life insurance brokerage agency and I have been in the health insurance business for 27 years.
I have been very interested in the effects of vitamins and herbs for good health for some time. However, it is very hard to ascertain exactly what you should be using and why without the knowledge. I was trying to read everything I could about vitamins and herbs in order to find something to help my wife get relief from the symptoms associated with Lyme disease. I also was taking a lot of vitamins and herbal treatments for my health. After my wife started receiving treatment from you, I also started treatment. I have seen many good results and I am learning from you how to find balance in my life and live as a happy, healthy person. I am impressed by your vast knowledge of herbs and therapy and it is with great respect I have given you the name of “Doctor Wizard.” I have a lot to learn from you and I will be a patient for life!
Over the past few years, natural remedies, herbs and other forms of alternative medicines and therapies have started to enter the mainstream of American medicine. I think if we continue to make our wishes known, we will see more and more health care providers and insurance companies giving people the choice of treatment. Some of the larger health care providers are already providing alternative treatments for their patients and a growing number of patients are seeking alternatives to conventional medicines and drugs. I feel there is a need for health insurance coverage, but hope insurance carriers will continue to make changes as alternative medicines of all kinds are proven to work with better results, fewer side effects, and which can, in the long run, actually cost less.
Thank you for everything you have done for my wife and me. We will be eternally grateful.
—J. R. J.
I wanted to send a testimonial that is long overdue. So here it is...
For the last 15 years I've relied on Paul Olko for my Chinese herbal needs and other natural remedies. Paul has helped me through years of chronic illness with fantastic formulations for balance and healing. He has also helped my family. By using his herbs my children never had to have pharmaceutical drugs for ear infections. I can't speak highly enough about his remedy! Ear pain was relieved within 30 minutes and the infection was usually gone in 2-3 days. It's truly incredible! Most recently I've gotten herbs from Paul for chronic Lyme Disease and Epstein Barr Virus. They are clearly supporting my healing and keeping me from needing to use medications to feel well. Whether you use raw herbs, powdered herbs, or capsules, Paul works with you and your lifestyle to make healthy living possible and manageable. Paul, Lisa, and his staff are always polite, professional, and genuinely concerned. Working with them is a true pleasure! --KH
I am including my Lyme health history to illustrate how long and painful the process was. I had Lyme disease initially in 2008, was hospitalized & treated for Lyme & Ehrlichiosis, with IV and pill antibiotics. I only tested positive and had a bulls eye rash after I was in the ER for fever & dehydration. No one talked about chronic Lyme, etc. The doctors told me that I would be tired for 2-3 months and then fine. I went on to live a very robust, busy life.
Lyme returned in 2017, & became increasingly intense. I had flu-like symptoms on and off from late November to mid February. I was forgetting my co-workers names, could not recall the words for many common objects. I called in sick to work with fatigue at least once a week. There was intense joint and spinal pain, though in the months before I routinely hiked 8-10 miles at a time. After a positive test, I did another round of antibiotics, followed by a homeopathic regimen, an anti-inflammatory diet, and then the Buhner protocol, self-administered. I left my full time job. I was increasingly sick, with more neuro symptoms and deep depression. After 6 months I did another 6 weeks of antibiotics, coffee enemas, and a modified Buhner protocol. All of this was draining to my system. I had very intense digestive problems. I traveled to Portland, Oregon, hoping for better options for treatment, as I used to live there & had friends. I received acupuncture and some Chinese herbs. I also saw a naturopath & followed her strict protocol for diet & supplements. I returned to Virginia mid 2019, very low on all resources. I continued the protocol from my naturopath & kept getting acupuncture, but improvement was minimal & very slow. I worked 1-2 days a week, my maximum ability. My body injured easily, and healing was slow. I lost strength as it was very difficult to exercise. My mood was bleak.
I say all of this to illustrate how many things I tried! It added up to tens of thousands of dollars. Plus, the antibiotics completely destroyed my gut.
In November 2019, I started seeing Chinese herbalist, Naturopath, and Tui Na massage expert, Paul Olko. He adjusted my supplement regimen to be much lighter & advised weekly Tui Na. I cooked bulk Chinese herbs from my custom formula, 6 days a week. The results were almost immediate. Every week I saw improvements. I have been gaining health and balance steadily ever since. I cooked raw herbs 6 days a week for about 2 years, with a few breaks to take granules while I traveled a bit, 3-5 days at a time. I received Tui Na weekly for about a year, then bi-weekly for another year plus. After being under his care for 1.5 years, I started working 5 days a week!
During my time as a patient of Paul’s, I started practicing Qigong at his recommendation. This was another huge turning point, & continues to be important to maintaining good health.
I no longer take herbs for Lyme, & enjoy a full life with very, very minimal symptoms- occasional inflammation flare up. I exercise regularly and eat a varied, flexible diet.
I wish everyone could experience the calm, confident guidance and deep healing of Paul's practice. Paul's care absolutely saved my life. - CW